xhtmlchardet 2.2.0

Character set detection for XML and HTML


Basic character set detection for XML and HTML in Rust.

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Minimum Supported Rust Version: 1.24.0


use std::io::Cursor;
extern crate xhtmlchardet;

let text = b"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?><channel><title>Example</title></channel>";
let mut text_cursor = Cursor::new(text.to_vec());
let detected_charsets: Vec<String> = xhtmlchardet::detect(&mut text_cursor, None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(detected_charsets, vec!["iso-8859-1".to_string()]);


I wrote a feed crawler that needed to determine the character set of fetched content so that it could be normalised to UTF-8. Initially I used the uchardet crate but I encountered some situations where it misdetected the charset. I collected all these edge cases together and built a test suite. Then I implemented this crate, which passes all of those tests. It uses a fairly naïve approach derived from section F of the XML specification.